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We offer Educational Consultancy and Support Services to Students of Tertiary Institutions
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Optimize your day and unlock your academic potential with our customized timetable generator! Streamline your schedule.
Our Team of Qualified & Experienced Personel will aid you get Admission into National Open University of Nigeria with ease (Jamb Not Required).
With Glorious New Dawn Educational Consults all online payments are made seamlessly without stress.
Are you confused about selecting the right courses as a student of NOUN? Worry No more at Glorious New Dawn Educational Consults we got your covered
Do you desire a plagiarism free research work? Thesis, Project, Seminar e.t.c, we have highly Qualified and Dedicated researchers who are up to the task
Are you worried about your TMA grades, let get the stress and worries off you, Excellent grades guaranteed.
We also assist students with Academic Transcript Processing, both Local and International.
Glorious New Dawn Educational Consults specialize in offering educational guide and support students, parents and educational institutions. With a team of experienced professionals. We at the consults provide expert advice on various aspects of education, helping students and parents make informed decisions.
Through comprehensive assessments, we identify the strengths, weaknesses, and unique needs of students, and assist them in selecting suitable academic paths and career options at tertiary institution, polytechnics, College of education. Read More
At Glorious New Dawn Educational Consults, there is provision for guidance on standardized tests, application processes, and lots more, ensuring maximization chances of Students
We also offer valuable insights to students, helping them to enhance their educational experience.
In a rapid changing educational landscape we act as a trusted advisor, bridging the gap between aspirations and achievements. By offering personalized attention and expertise, we empower students and impact them to navigate the complexities of education, unlocking their full potential and fostering a brighter future.
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At Prestige Coding and Technology Limited, we build and develop professional websites, software and applications for companies, schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals.
Our academic arm trains individuals and organizations in coding and software development to professional and employable levels.
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Our Team of qualified and experienced personnel will aid
you get admission into National Open University of Nigeria with ease.
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We are here to help you achieve your goal.